Current economic, technological, social, and environmental challenges lie ahead and yet simultaneously create invaluable future opportunities. Opportunities to make a difference and create better lives.
To transform the future with people, skills, and technology. To drive innovation using scientific, evidence-based knowledge, and business acumen to grow more efficient and conscious companies. At the heart of the Andrew N. Liveris Academy for Innovation and Leadership is bold and courageous leadership and transformative thinking. It is the linchpin for grand scale, transformative and sustainable change of the future.
In today’s dynamic world, the Liveris Academy changes the education paradigm, where the skills and attributes required to excel as a leader are more complex than ever. The Liveris Academy is deeply committed to educating talented undergraduate students with demonstrated leadership prowess, a passion for sustainability and the potential to solve problems through large scale innovation.
The Liveris Academy provides the environment and programs to produce well-rounded, agile leaders of tomorrow. Leaders who will confront global challenges innovatively and with the capacity to discover technological driven solutions to deliver equitable and sustainable futures whilst effecting wholesale societal change. Together let’s move forward, to create change on a world scale to create better lives, and a better environment for all to live in.
Read what Liveris Scholar Amber Spurway had to say at the Opening of the Andrew N. Liveris Building that houses the Liveris Academy.